Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I am sure many of you have heard the famous song by Juvenile of Cash Moneyhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif

And i am sure if you parents don't understand what backing that THANG UP is ahh just ask your children. Well i am not talking about what "Juve" the Cash Money Rap Artist was talking about. I am talk about "YOUR DATA", or many people say your computer!!! People don't back-up their information because they are either:

1) Uninformed
2) Fear
3) Ignore It

So this may not be as "exciting" as the song, but to me i believe you will want to know that its not difficult at all to do and by the end of this post you will be singing the tune to others of how to BACK THAT THANG UP!

With the announcement of Cloud Technologies such as "iCloud" it has becoming easier to back up your most important data at a fraction of what it would have cost 3 years ago. Cloud Technologies or Cloud computing is simply a place where data is stored in the "CLOUD" but really it means a computer that a company rents to you or another company to access. For example "Netflix" it operates utilizing cloud technology. The movies that you watch that you can stream to your laptop, cellphone, and now televisions are all stored on a server computer that allows multiple users to access. Of course there are more intricate pieces to this cloud computing puzzle but the bottom-line is that the the data you use is stored not on your computer but a server that is connected to the internet and accessed.

When was the last time you thought about backing up your data? Maybe all the numbers in your cell phone, or the pictures or movies on your cellphone or computer? Maybe there are some very important documents that you have on your computer. Whatever the case may be don't wait until disaster strikes and you left wishing you would have taken a few minutes to back up your data. So the bottom line is "BACK THAT THANG UP" and i have found a very inexpensive solution that will help you QUICKLY, SAFELY, AND AFFORDABLY back up your data.

Recommended solution:

MOZY is an a great tool to use for your cell phone and computer!! Its very simple to use once you have it on your phone or access the website on your computer you are Straight!!! So let me pause here and say if you have data on your computer or you have a lot of cell phone numbers that you have not backed up please please please "BACK THAT THANG UP" Please understand that the Content you have wether its your pictures, music, photos, contacts make sure before unfortunate events happen such as 911, or the recent Tornado Tragedy or your computer or phone gets stolen GET YOUR DATA BACKED UP and use Mozy and tell em the URBAN GEEK SENT YA!! Hey if you have any other questions about Backing up your data or Cloud computing let us know.

Until Tech Time!!!
Its ya boy
The Urban Geek!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011



Have you ever asked yourself how much information someone can get about you that has never met you? Things like where u are? Where do you work? Where is your family? How much do you make? What's your telephone number? Address, ect... I know most of you may think awww no one can find that information out.

Many of us have already given up all of our personal information and can be found online in a matter of minutes. I can find out things like, Where u were born? How Old you Are? Where u have lived in the Past and Present. If you have children, and what school they go to. I know u are thinking well whats wrong with that? Everybody put there information out there like that? The truth of the matter is not everyone does this. But becks the general public does not pay attention to WHAT WE ARE SAYING?,or WHO WE ARE SAYING IT TO? We blab away without even caring that we can and will and are being taken advantage of. So what do we do? We need to create a buffer between you and the information that is displayed online. Working in the computer field i am amazed at how easy it is to capture almost anything from someone online. Stay tuned, and please send your comments because i will be posting step by step instructions, and video blogs, on this topic that will help you protect the one that is Priceless! YOURSELF!

I will Tech to you soon