"Palm Needs A Bigger Hook!"
"Apple Fishes With Nets!"
The Urban Geek
Palm Unveiled there new Touch Phone called the "Pre" running on Web OS. While Palm boast about the new Pre allowing users to switch between applications swiftly with "Gesture",and it allows popup alerts, and one string conversational Text Message capabilities and a 3.0 Megapixel Camera, that hook is still way to small to compete with Apple's iPhone's Fishing Net!
Seriously! After viewing the tale of the Tape I realized that the Only Feature that the Pre Has that the iPhone does not is the 3.0 Mega Pixal Camera! The iPhone has a bigger Screen dislay, The iPhone Weighs Less, The iPhone does not need a QWERTY keyboard because it's a true totally touch screen phone. With all that said we have not begun to talk about the iPhones Entertainment and Application capabilities, and to do that this would be come an UNFAIR STREET FIGHT! and we don't want that we just want users to realize that the "Pre" measured properly does not stand a chance to the "iPhone". I can't wait to get my hands on the "Pre" to see even if the applications are working as stated thus far, not to short that the "Pre" is not a great product for a novice Touch Phone User, but for any iPhone User the "Pre" is just a PAPER WAIT! Let me know what you think! Here the Product Article from Yahoo
Until Tech Time
Urban Geek
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